The Founders: the case for a strong, national CEO

A strong case for an energetic, independent executive

Pray for America


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kingdom Friend,

Thank you for standing in agreement prayer! This week … we prayer for the design and integrity of the presidency and Executive Branch of the United States government.

Includes link to audio prayer.

⬇️ P.S. — Go deep with two of America’s sharpest minds, Victor Davis Hanson and Alan Dershowitz, as they dive into Doge and the tension between executive and judicial power in the U.S. Scroll to see videos.

The Federalist Papers

Title page of the first collection of The Federalist (1788)

The Founders: the case for a strong national CEO

Imagine this … it's 1787, and a bold new nation is being born. But there's no map for the “American Experiment”. Just an ambitious idea.

America needed to convince a skeptical public to embrace its new Constitution.

Enter Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay—three founding figures who wrote a series of essays known as The Federalist Papers, aiming to show why the new Constitution was the answer.

These papers laid out some powerful principles, including the idea of judicial review as a crucial check on presidential power.

But they also made a strong case for an energetic, independent executive—arguing that a weak President would only lead to chaos and instability.

Hamilton, in particular, warned that without a strong executive, the country would face national vulnerability and ineffective governance.

In the end, The Federalist Papers made it clear: the President must strong to defend liberty, enforce laws, and maintain order—but not so much power that it becomes tyrannical.

Here’s my copy of the The Federalist Papers. I’ve had it for some time and have only read a few small sections. I’m committing to you, my faithful newsletter reader, that I will read Federalist’s Nos. 51, 70-73, and 78 before the next issue … relevant sections to this topic

The Federalist Papers

“What I mean is this: that this battle is won on the ground of prayer, these forces are dealt with and defeated on the ground of prayer, and, that being so, the chief objective of the enemy is the prayer-life of the believer. That is the focal point of all the enemy’s attention and strategy.” — T. Austin Sparks

The Federalist Papers

The case for a strong national CEO

We can draw on America's founding prayers, covenants, documents, and early experiences as "prayer architecture" for today. Adapt the prayer language below to your voice as the Holy Spirit guides you.

🦅 Heavenly Father, we thank you for the American Design you gave our Framers and Founders for the Executive Branch of the federal government. We ask for the COMPLETE, ACCURATE, INTEGROUS EXPRESSION OF THE PRESIDENCY and the Executive Branch in our federal government now and throughout 2025. 📖“There is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God” (Romans 13.1 NASB).

🦅 We bring the CROSS / RESURRECTION / ASCENSION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST against radical, partial judges and courts. Stop the mouth of iniquity. 📖“Take warning, O judges of the earth. Worship the Lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling” (Psalm 2.10-11 NASB).

🦅 All-powerful God, we ask for your hand in ensuring GODLY SUCCESS IN ESTABLISHING THE NEW ADMINISTRATION in Washington. 📖"Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream" (Amos 5.24 ESV).

🦅 Let’s join together in prayer for the SENATE’S ROLE IN REVIEWING AND APPROVING APPOINTEES for the new administration. We believe for an administration that SETS A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE—standing firm against lawlessness and incompetence.

Let’s agree as one!

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Brian Del Turco
[email protected]

P.S. 👇️ 

Victor Davis Hanson: DOGE is 100% legal. Here’s why. (7 mins)

Alan Dershowitz: Presidency versus the courts. Who will win? (32 mins)